Providing Value

The only intention of this site.

August 17, 2018

I used to write daily on this website. That’s no longer the case. I want to continue having those discussions, but I want to have them on my Twitter and potentially on Blurt (still test-driving).

I want this blog to deliver exceptional value for indiehackers that are looking to build profitable serverless apps. That’s the value I want to provide.

Essentially there’s two parts. Profitable and Serverless. Each of these entail a lot of things. Profitable means marketing, funnels, launching, etc. Serverless mostly means Firebase (for me), and learning how to build scalable apps in JS.

I believe in the Serverless manifesto. I was learning how to program in JS while the serverless movement was getting stared. I had a decision to make, learn how to manage servers and deploy hosted code, or use static sites / serverless nodes to do things like authentication, databases and more.

I chose the latter, not only because it’s easier, but it’s infinitely scaleable. It also doesn’t require you to have to manage everything in the stack. You just have to be able to write solid front-end code and a little bit of Node.js to write cloud functions.

It’s super easy to connect to an API and extend your app to do anything. You can write an SPA, or any other type of app, in static code.

That’s how I wrote Closet Tools. That’s how I write all of my apps. It works really well, and I am able to make a lot of money because of it.

This certainly is a new era of app development. As of right now you can write your code once and see it deployed on every platform. JS is getting more powerful, PWAs are getting more native everyday, and WebAssembly is changing the game entirely. It’s a fun time to be a web developer.

Being deeply skilled has never been more valuable. People that don’t have the capacity to learn hard things won’t be successful in the future. I never want to be part of that crowd, and I will always be pushing myself to learn new things and add to my success.

I really want to grow my Twitter. The twitter ecosystem is amazing for web developers (and indiehackers) right now. That’s where I want to be known as an indiehacker that helps other people.

But, by nature I’m no the most social person. So that’s why I am taking my daily blog posts there. Everyday I will need to drum up conversations and things to talk about related to marketing, serverless apps, and indiehacking.

This journey has been a long one. I’ve been on it for almost 4 years now, and I am just starting to gain my footing. I listened to an excellent podcast today, and it reaffirmed everything I thought. SEO is the end-all-be-all marketing tool. Hands down. Billions of people are using Google and searching every day.

It’s the only reason that my startup has been successful. Everyday about 50 people come to the site, and one or two sign up for my app. Once you get consistent traffic, it’s just a numbers game. What percentage signs up, what percentage converts, and what percentage churns.

BTW, you can view my current revenue and numbers for the Closet Assistant here.

That’s all for now. I can’t wait to see what I produce for all of you.